Strong Summer 2014 Predicted for Hoteliers

The harsh winter that many people experienced this year is the inspiration for 18 percent of the travelers who want to leave town. Consequently, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that beaches are the planned destination for 45 percent of those who participated in the survey. Forty-two percent favor cities, and 21 percent want to explore a national park. Lakes and resorts comprise an additional 31 percent of favored types of locations. Seventy-one percent replied that they plan to go to a new location this year.
Statistical data confirms the stated preferences. According to TripAdvisor’s analysis of its website searches, the 10 top vacation sites for summer travelers this year are Myrtle Beach, Las Vegas, New York City, Destin, Ocean City, Orlando, Virginia Beach, San Francisco, San Diego and Key West. Our teams in Las Vegas, San Francisco and San Diego stand ready to welcome these guests.
Fifty-four percent of the survey respondents want to shop during their trip, and 36 percent plan to spend more on their vacation this year than last year. Restaurants can benefit from this intent to splurge by increasing their supply of favorite summertime foods and beverages for the hungry and tired shoppers. Ice cream, lobster and watermelon rank highest in the edibles’ category while beer, margaritas and lemonade top the list of preferred liquid refreshment.
The forecast looks promising, so let’s get ready for a busy and profitable summer.
The forecast looks promising, so let’s get ready for a busy and profitable summer.
2014 Growth Predicted in the Hospitality Industry This Summer
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